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Weekly number of coronavirus cases in Russia below 100,000 first since June 2021

The number of patients taken to hospital due to the coronavirus keeps falling as 20,621 people were hospitalized during the week, down by almost 15% compared with the previous similar period, according to the center

MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. The weekly number of coronavirus cases in Russia has decreased to below 100,000 for the first time since June 2021, according to TASS estimates based on data from the anti-coronavirus crisis center.

The crisis center recorded a total of 99,194 cases between April 4 and April 10 in the country, a 26% drop from the previous week.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Russia grew by 13,056 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected to 17,996,060, the federal anti-coronavirus crisis center reported.

In absolute terms the increase in new cases has become the lowest since June 11, 2021, whereas in relative terms it totaled 0.07%.

The number of coronavirus patients taken to hospital in the past 24 hours amounted to 1,457, down by 56.5% compared with the previous day. That said, the number of hospitalized patients rose in 78 Russian regions in the reporting period, according to the center. On the previous day 3,353 coronavirus patients were taken to hospital.

The number of patients taken to hospital due to the coronavirus keeps falling as 20,621 people were hospitalized during the week, down by almost 15% compared with the previous similar period, according to the center.

The number of fatalities related to the coronavirus increased by 259 in Russia in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of coronavirus deaths in the country to 371,716, the anti-coronavirus crisis center reported.

The number of coronavirus-related deaths has hit the lowest level since November 9, 2020.

Russia’s coronavirus mortality rate has been at the lowest level since the autumn of 2020 as the center registered 2,008 related deaths in the reporting period, which is roughly 15% lower than in the previous week as well. Meanwhile, the lethality rate keeps at the previous level of 2.07%.

As many as 29,372 coronavirus patients recovered in Russia over the past day, bringing the total number of recoveries to 17,213,102, the crisis center told.

On the previous day 40,100 recoveries were reported.

The number of recoveries continues declining as 248,075 people recovered during the past week, down by 20% compared with the previous seven days. The share of recoveries has surpassed 95.6% of the total number of cases.


The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Moscow grew by 742 in the past 24 hours compared with 801 on the previous day, according to the information posted on Sunday on the government’s website, which keeps the public updated on the pandemic situation nationwide.

In relative terms Moscow’s coronavirus cases growth equaled 0.03%. The total number of cases registered in the capital since the beginning of the pandemic equals 2,748,431.

The number of coronavirus-related deaths rose by 18 in the city compared with 17 on the previous day to 42,891. The number of recoveries added 568 in the past 24 hours to 2,553,846.

Moscow Region

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases rose by 447 in the Moscow Region in 24 hours compared with 439 on the previous day, according to the information posted on Sunday on the government’s website, which keeps the public updated on the pandemic situation nationwide.

The total number of cases registered in the region since the beginning of the pandemic equals 964,213.

The number of coronavirus-related deaths added 11 in the Moscow Region in the reporting period, bringing the total number of fatalities to 14,890, while the number of recoveries increased by 859 to 938,714.

St. Petersburg

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in St. Petersburg added 617 in the past 24 hours compared with 689 on the previous day, according to the information posted on Sunday on the government’s website, which keeps the public updated on the pandemic situation nationwide.

The total number of cases registered in Russia’s second-biggest city since the beginning of the pandemic equals 1,507,880.

The number of recoveries rose by 816 in St. Petersburg in the past 24 hours to 1,464,461, while the number of coronavirus-related deaths increased by 14 to 33,217.