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West gives Kiev license to destroy Ukrainian people — Russian delegation to HRC

Ilya Barmin drew attention to the "instrumentalization of the subject of technical assistance to countries in the field of human rights by the delegations of the US, the UK, Germany, France and other European countries"

GENEVA, October 9. /TASS/. Western countries, which have actually given Kiev a license to destroy the population of Ukraine for the sake of a pipe dream - victory over Russia - are trying to whitewash the Ukrainian authorities committing heinous crimes, the Russian delegation said at the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva.

"The countries of the collective West are actually giving Kiev a license to destroy its own population for the sake of a pipe dream, a victory over Russia. In this way, they are becoming complicit in numerous crimes on the part of the Ukrainian authorities," Ilya Barmin, a representative of the Russian delegation, said in his speech at the meeting.

He drew attention to the "instrumentalization of the subject of technical assistance to countries in the field of human rights by the delegations of the US, the UK, Germany, France and other European countries." This topic is used by them "to whitewash the Kiev authorities, who are committing heinous crimes against the citizens of their country and a neighboring state." "Everything becomes clear if we recall the reasoning of politicians from these countries on the theme of 'war to the last Ukrainian' for the sake of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia," the diplomat said. "This causes the regular deliveries of lethal weapons to Kiev, which are used to kill civilians in the Donbass, Kursk, Belgorod regions and other Russian areas," he added.

Western countries seeking to fight Russia at the hands of ordinary Ukrainians are "defiantly flouting their own ideals and principles, which they are trying to impose on other states," Barmin continued. They are actually encouraging further destruction of the opposition and independent media in Ukraine, extrajudicial killings, torture, enforced disappearances, rampant corruption, and discrimination on national, religious and linguistic grounds.

The official said that it was under the Russian-speaking [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky that the repression of the Russian-speaking population "reached its peak." Official Kiev persecutes the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and "openly brags about its involvement in terrorist attacks" on Russian territory. The world community has repeatedly witnessed the collective West achieving its goals "through the pain and suffering of millions of ordinary citizens of states that they consider a bargaining chip in their geopolitical game," Barmin summarized.

The 57th session of the Human Rights Council is taking place in Geneva from September 9 to October 11. In particular, it considers the rights and freedoms in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan and Ukraine. Russia is not a member of the UN Human Rights Council, but actively participates in its meetings.