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Desire of several countries to ensure dominance in the past ended tragically — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat noted that each multipolar era has its own characteristics and is unique in its own way

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. The desire of a number of countries in the past to ensure military-political dominance resulted in tragic consequences for them, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"If we look at <...> aspects of world history, it teaches us that the desire of any state to establish global hegemony, to ensure unconditional military-political dominance always led to tragic consequences for this state itself and its patrons, not to mention disasters and catastrophes on a global scale as a result of hegemonic policies," the minister said.

He noted that each multipolar era has its own characteristics and is unique in its own way. "The current period is no exception. In my opinion, the fundamental difference between this period and the previous ones in the global scope of the global system is the presence of non-European, non-Western centers of power and development," Lavrov stressed.