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Russia to increase deliveries of modern armament to troops — Putin

"We will ramp up supplies of unmanned aerial systems of different types, armored vehicles and precision means of destruction, strike aviation, enemy detection and counterbattery systems, control and communication systems to troops, to the frontline," the head of state said

MOSCOW, June 21. /TASS/. Deliveries of modern weapons to the frontline will be scaled up, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the meeting with graduates of military educational institutions.

"We will ramp up supplies of unmanned aerial systems of different types, armored vehicles and precision means of destruction, strike aviation, enemy detection and counterbattery systems, control and communication systems to troops, to the frontline," the head of state said.

"We will work on other modern high-technology specimens of armament and machinery that are now going into serial production at a large scale," Putin added.