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Zelensky now governs Ukraine without any reason — Medvedev

The politician stressed that the Kiev authorities, "hiding behind a sham declaration of presidential elections cancellation," hope to profit from the war to the end and fight to the last Ukrainian

MOSCOW, June 21. /TASS/. Vladimir Zelensky continues to position himself as the president of Ukraine without any grounds for it, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.

"A certain zelensky keeps pretending to be the president of the f. Ukraine that is now bleeding to death. He intentionally, and without any ground, is trying to fulfill the duties of the head of the state that officially ended on May 21, 2024," Medvedev wrote on his Vkontakte page.

He pointed out that Zelensky had usurped power long before that date and committed a number of state crimes.

"The talentless buffoon and his clique of gangsters had long before stopped giving a damn to the Constitution of their own state, and began joyfully, nostrils flared in drug-induced excitement, greedily grab the power," Medvedev said.

Destruction of Rada's status

Medvedev, a lawyer by training, offered a simple analysis. In 1999, the Ukrainian Constitutional Court stated that the purpose of the functional division of state power into the legislative, executive and judicial branches (Article 6 of the Ukrainian Constitution) was to prevent any one of these branches from assuming the entirety of state power. Article 75 of the Constitution said that the only body of legislative power in Ukraine shall be the parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.

Article 106 stated that the head of state "signs laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" and "has the right to veto laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with their subsequent return for repeat consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine." Thus, according to Medvedev, the Ukrainian Constitution provides for the only possible case when the president of the country may not sign a law: when he has used his veto right or returned the laws to the parliament for reconsideration.

"However, to the head thug of a criminal community zelensky the Base Law is null and void. As his country’s president, he neither signed nor ‘returned for repeat consideration’ (did not veto) as many as 32 laws, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada! Just think: he simply hid them in his drawer thus depriving the people of regulating a huge number of issues," the Russian Security Council deputy chairman emphasized.

Medvedev explained that Zelensky began to do this occasionally since 2020, and systematically - since February 2022, when Russia began to fight the Bandera regime during the special military operation. "In this way, the head of the now dying state has emphatically dashed the constitutional status of the Verkhovna Rada as the sole representative and legislative body," he pointed out.

The security official also drew attention to the fact that in 2019, Zelensky "assigned control over preparation of proposals on signing or vetoing laws - all on the sly and by an arbitrary edict - to the head of his so-called office, a weird character surnamed Yermak who de-facto became the second (or the first?) person of the country 404." "To put it plainly, established a criminal conspiracy with him in order to usurp power," Medvedev underscored.

Legally insignificant decisions

According to the Russian Security Council deputy chairman, the conclusion is simple: "These operetta characters turned into criminals back in 2020." "Their goal is plain: to establish dictatorship of their own. The fact that their unlawful actions weren’t met with due response in Ukraine eventually led to the special military operation," the politician pointed out.

Medvedev stressed that the Kiev authorities, "hiding behind a sham declaration of presidential elections cancellation," hope to profit from the war to the end and fight to the last Ukrainian.

"The only possible way to treat zelensky and his accomplices is as criminals who committed a felony under the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 109) (Actions aimed at violent overthrow or coup of the constitutional order or seizure of state power - TASS). The decrees they issue are illegitimate and cannot be executed. The officials they appoint are not authorities. They are impostors and have no right to issue edicts," the security official emphasized.

The Russian Security Council deputy chairman backed up his statements with a list of laws not signed by Zelensky, compiled by TASS, saying that "the list of unsigned laws can be found here:"