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Russia, Egypt call to prevent Palestinian-Israeli conflict from spreading across region

"The sides particularly emphasized the importance of prevention of the force confrontation to other countries of the region," the Russian Foreign Ministry said

MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Russian Special Presidential Representative of the Middle East and African Countries Mikhail Bogdanov and Ambassador of Egypt to Moscow Nazeh el Nagari called to prevent the spreading of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to other regional countries during their meeting, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on its website.

"During the meeting, the sides had a discussion of the ongoing Middle Eastern agenda with a an emphasis at the continuing extremely sharp crisis in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict area," the Ministry noted. "The sides particularly emphasized the importance of prevention of the force confrontation to other countries of the region, and [the importance] of establishment of a constant and universal ceasefire, as well as the need to establish conditions for provision of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip population."

The Ministry added that the meeting, which took place on the Egyptian initiative, also touched upon "certain issues of the Russian-Egyptian cooperation, including the maintenance of an intensive political dialogue."