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Blinken groundlessly accuses Russia of hybrid attacks near NATO borders — MFA

According to Alexander Grushko, the West is also exerting military pressure, including by escalating the military situation in Ukraine itself

MOSCOW, June 3. /TASS/. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statements that Russia is allegedly conducting hybrid attacks on the borders of NATO countries are an attempt by the US to project its own actions onto Russia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko told TASS.

"This is them projecting onto us. It’s clear to everyone that Western countries are waging a hybrid war against Russia, using a combination of economic tactics," the senior diplomat said, commenting on Blinken's words.

According to Grushko, the West is also exerting "military pressure, including by escalating the military situation in Ukraine itself." "I am talking about deliveries of more and more long-range and lethal weapons and lifting restrictions on their use," he continued. "Ideologically, they are demonizing Russia by making certain claims about us," he added.

The deputy minister pointed out what he considers to be the most ridiculous claim. That is, "the statement by high-ranking and seemingly sensible politicians that if Russia wins in Ukraine, the Baltic States and Poland will become Russia's next victims." "So, there is nothing new here. They are playing the same old broken record to deceive the public in their own countries," Grushko concluded.