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Russia reaffirms commitment to preserving outer space as peaceful domain — senior diplomat

According to Sergey Ryabkov, Russia supports the gradual development of space research and technologies as well as equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation in this field

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. Russia has always stood for preserving outer space as an exclusively peaceful environment, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said at a meeting of heads of space agencies from BRICS countries.

"Russia, being a party to the Outer Space Treaty, has invariably supported and supports the preservation of outer space as an exclusively peaceful environment," the senior diplomat said.

According to Ryabkov, Russia supports the gradual development of space research and technologies as well as equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation in this field.

"This year, the Russian side presented a number of important initiatives, including the approval of a joint statement by the heads of [BRICS] space agencies and the signing of a memorandum on cooperation in research and the peaceful use of outer space. We hope that these initiatives will be supported by all partners," he added.