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Russian state nuclear power corporation denies information about new attack on Kursk NPP

According to the press service, the wreckage of the drone found outside the perimeter of the plant remained from a previous attempted attack

TASS, November 2. Information about a drone attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) does not correspond to reality, Russian state nuclear power corporation Rosenergoatom said.

"The information that appeared in some media on November 2 in connection with the discovery of drone debris at the Kursk NPP does not correspond to reality. There was no attack on the Kursk NPP on November 2," the statement said.

According to the press service, the wreckage of the drone found outside the perimeter of the plant remained from a previous attempted attack. "The Kursk NPP is working in normal mode. Power units 2, 3, 4 are operating at the capacity set by the dispatch plan. Power unit 1 operates without production. The radiation background on the territory of the Kursk NPP is within natural values," the corporation added.