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Multipolar world waiting in wings to replace noxious neo-colonial practices — Medvedev

"Acting in the name of security and the well-being of our peoples, we must strive to make our world a fairer, more equitable place," the politician stressed, noting that currently the world "unfortunately cannot be described as just"

MOSCOW, May 31. /TASS/. Neo-colonial practices must become a thing of the past and give way to a multipolar world, said Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and chairman of the ruling United Russia party.

"The struggle against neo-colonialism is not just a timely theme, but remains one of the most acute and, perhaps, entirely contemporary issues in politics today," Medvedev said on Wednesday during the second meeting of the organizing committee for the Forum of Supporters of the Fight Against Modern Neocolonialist Practices, an association of political and social forces.

He said, "it is clear that those perniciously harmful neo-colonial practices that have lingered on [from a bygone era] should be abandoned once and for all and finally give way to a multipolar world order."

"Acting in the name of security and the well-being of our peoples, we must strive to make our world a fairer, more equitable place," Medvedev stressed, noting that currently the world "unfortunately cannot be described as just."

He believes that the task of the forum is "to protect the sacred right of people to determine their own path of development in each specific country as well as uphold unconditional respect for the generally accepted norms of international law with a grounding in the UN Charter."