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Kiev’s confrontational policy may aggravate Ukraine’s problems - Russian Foreign Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated that seven years ago at Kiev’s "maidan" "a bloody coup d’etat took place which led to tragic consequences for Ukraine itself, for regional and international stability"

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. A continuation of confrontational policy of Ukrainian authorities stemming from the "maidan" events may lead to an escalation of Ukrainian problems and an even more aggravated situation in the region, the commentary by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in relation to the seventh anniversary of the coup d’etat in Ukraine made public on Monday said.

The spokeswoman reiterated that seven years ago at Kiev’s "maidan" "a bloody coup d’etat took place which led to tragic consequences for Ukraine itself, for regional and international stability." "It is notable that mass disturbances that preceded it which were of openly nationalistic nature were conducted under slogans of European values, freedom and democracy," she pointed out, stressing that these events "were in many ways provoked and supported by Western states, above all, the US."

"A continuation of confrontational policy going back to the coup d’etat at Kiev’s ‘maidan’ is fraught with escalating Ukraine’s current problems and is capable of leading to an even more aggravated situation in the country and on a regional scale," the commentary said.

The spokeswoman noted that the consequences of the coup with time become all the more obvious. "It led to Crimea leaving Ukraine. The conflict in Donbass is still underway. Tragedies in Odessa and Mariupol led to a rampage of neo-Nazism, forced Ukrainization and a general attack on human freedoms and rights. The country’s authorities increasingly use totalitarian methods, punish own citizens for dissenting views without due legal process," she explained.