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Russian Finance Ministry interested in floating yuan bonds — department director

"The interest is definitely in place because we have initiated the project of floating government bonds in the yuan as early as in 2014," Denis Mamonov added

MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. The Russian Finance Ministry is interested in floating yuan-denominated government bonds, department director Denis Mamonov said at the Capital Markets: Russia forum.

"The interest is definitely in place because we have initiated the project of floating government bonds in the yuan as early as in 2014. I regret saying it has not yet been brought to a logical end because of one simple reason: because we are viewing it as the creation of a certain benchmark demand curve for the corporate sector and not as a significant source of deficit funding, as we treated our dollar and euro offerings earlier," the official said.

The ministry is not considering offering of dirham-denominated bonds at the moment, Mamonov noted.

"We are giving the priority so far to the project we mentioned [yuan bonds floating - TASS]. All the other ones will probably be later," he added.