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Russia’s annual inflation rises to 2.51% in May — Bank of Russia

In May, consumer prices grew by 0.31% from 0.38% in April

MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. The annual inflation rate in Russia in May 2023 rose to 2.51% from 2.31% a month earlier, the Bank of Russia said on Thursday.

"Compared to the previous month, year-on-year growth in service prices accelerated and prices for non-food items rose. At the same time, food prices fell faster," the regulator stated.

In May, consumer prices grew by 0.31% from 0.38% in April. The sustainable component of seasonally adjusted monthly price inflation increased further in May, approaching 4% year-on-year. After a period of gradual price growth in the second half of 2022, price pressure is gradually increasing, the regulator noted.

In turn, the Russian State Statistics Service (Rosstat) noted that inflation in Russia from June 6 to June 13, 2023, amounted to 0.05%. At the same time, from May 30 to June 5, inflation reached 0.21%. Since the beginning of June, consumer prices in the country have increased by 0.2%, since the beginning of the year - by 2.58%, the service said. In annual terms, inflation in Russia as of June 13, 2023 (according to calculations using average daily data for 2023 and 2022 on similar dates) amounted to 2.9%.