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Gazprom to bring capacity of Russian gas storage facilities to record 72.842 bcm by winter

The maximum daily productivity will be 858.8 million cubic meters

MOSCOW, May 18. /TASS/. Gazprom will bring the capacity of Russian gas storage facilities to new record levels of 72.842 billion cubic meters by winter 2023-2024, the holding said in a statement.

The maximum daily productivity will be 858.8 million cubic meters.

"For the reliable operation of the underground gas storage facilities in the autumn-winter period of 2023/2024, the Management Board instructed the relevant divisions and subsidiaries to create an operational gas reserve in UGS facilities in Russia by the beginning of the new extraction season in the amount of 72.842 billion cubic meters, as well as to increase the potential maximum daily productivity storage facilities up to 858.8 million cubic meters. That means that the indicators will reach new record levels. In underground gas storage facilities in Belarus, the operating gas reserve will be 1.13 billion cubic meters (the maximum figure for the republic), in underground gas storage facilities in Armenia - 0.107 bcm," the statement said.

According to preliminary data, total volume of gas supplies to the domestic market through the Gazprom gas transmission system in October-March turned out to be comparable to the record level of the 2021-2022 season, Gazprom notes.

"On certain days in December, January and March, daily deliveries of Russian gas to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline exceeded daily contractual obligations," the company stressed.