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OSCE to revise programs for military personnel training

It is reported that the Russian Defense Ministry promptly makes changes to educational and training programs, keeping up with the times

MINSK, October 5. /TASS/. The working group of the Council of Defense Ministers at the Collective Security Treaty Organization plans to revise plans and programs for the training of military personnel, said Deputy Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff Major General of the Belarusian Armed Forces Viktor Lisovsky.

"All of these issues are very well described theoretically in the normative legal documents and combat documents currently in effect in terms of the use of collective operational response forces, rapid deployment, forces to conduct joint peacekeeping operations. But the conditions in which we find ourselves today, literally the events of the last few years, which are taking place, for example, in the Caucasus region, we see that there is a need to meet and, taking into account all these changes, transformations, to look at and once again revise our plans and programs in order to continue joint training," he said ahead of the group’s meeting in the Belarusian city of Grodno, the BelTA news agency reported.

Lisovsky said the training programs are not expected to see sweeping changes.

"This is not our first day dealing with these issues. We see how effectively all our elements function in the Collective Security Treaty Organization system. Our basic training and methodological and research organizations are working quite well," the general said.

Major General Igor Muravlyannikov, head of the military education department and deputy head of the main personnel department of the Russian Defense Ministry, said that the Russian Defense Ministry promptly makes changes to educational and training programs, keeping up with the times.

"Russian and Belarusian servicemen train jointly under the same programs. This is the maximum integration of educational processes. <...> And all our training is aimed at improving the quality of practical training of officers and cadets," he said.

In addition to Belarus, which holds the CSTO chairmanship in 2023, the organization includes Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
