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Militants try to advance into government-controlled area in Syria — center

Gurinov said that six Syrian soldiers were wounded as a result of artillery shelling against government forces’ positions near Urum al-Sughra in Aleppo province

MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Militants of the Turkistan Islamic Party terrorist group (outlawed in Russia) have attempted to storm into the area controlled by the Syrian government forces in Syria’s Idlib province, and as a result, a Syrian serviceman was killed and three militants were eliminated, Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, told reporters on Wednesday.

"In Idlib province, militants of the Turkistan Islamic Party terrorist group made an attempt near Mamuhiya to break into the area controlled by the Syrian government forces. Three militants were destroyed. A Syrian soldier was killed," he said.

Gurinov said that six Syrian soldiers were wounded as a result of artillery shelling against government forces’ positions near Urum al-Sughra in Aleppo province.

According to Gurinov, in the past 24 hours, five cases of shelling were documented in the Idlib de-escalation zone from the positions of the Turkistan Islamic Party and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist groups (both banned in Russia). One incident of shelling took place in the Aleppo province, two more in Latakia province and the remaining two in Idlib province.