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NATO’s involvement in Ukraine conflict may lead to nuclear escalation — German politician

If NATO becomes a party to the conflict in Ukraine, it will get to a point where Russia will carry out a strike on military facilities in NATO territory, German parliament member and leader of the BSW said

BERLIN, October 12. /TASS/. NATO’s growing involvement in the Ukraine conflict may trigger a nuclear response from Russia, Sahra Wagenknecht, German parliament member and leader of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance - Reason and Justice party (BSW), said.

"If NATO becomes a party to the conflict in Ukraine, it will get to a point where Russia will carry out a strike on military facilities in NATO territory," she said in an interview with the Funke media group. "After that, the conflict will soon escalate into nuclear confrontation because this is the only field where Russia is equal to NATO," she argued. "This is why it is so crazy dangerous that we are allowing ourselves to be dragged deeper into the conflict," the BSW leader added.

"The Russians kept sending messages that they don’t want to see the US army near their borders. In particular, many Western politicians pointed out that Ukraine’s integration into NATO’s military structures will lead to a war," she noted. According to Wagenknecht, 4,000 NATO service members were present in Ukraine before the conflict had escalated; "12 CIA bases were located along the Russian border and joint drills were taking place in the Black Sea." "Ukraine was being rapidly dragged into the US zone of military influence," the politician stressed. In her view, this is exactly why Russia started to take certain measures "before it’s too late.".