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Iran finds data on US biolabs in Ukraine deeply disturbing, says diplomat

The Iranian diplomat’s statement came a day after the Russian parliamentary commission probing into US biolabs’ activities in Ukraine presented its final report

TASS, April 13. Data on US biological laboratories in Ukraine are deeply disturbing and require an impartial international investigation, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in a statement issued on Thursday.

"The news about US military-biological laboratories in Ukraine and in some other countries around the world is deeply disturbing," he wrote on his Twitter account, "These actions are contrary to US international obligations, particularly compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention, and pose a threat to humanity." The diplomat added that the issue required an impartial international investigation.

The Iranian diplomat’s statement came a day after the Russian parliamentary commission probing into US biolabs’ activities in Ukraine presented its final report. According to this document, the Pentagon's military-biological program has become widespread in recent years and is carried out under the cover of anti-terrorist projects and activities permitted by the Biological Weapons Convention. In its report, the commission also stated that the Pentagon experts took part in the work of all laboratories controlled by the United States. At the same time, their activities are of a closed nature, and government agencies of the countries where such laboratories are located are only allowed to conduct secondary research.
