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North Korean leader not inclined to dialogue with US or South Korea — KCNA

The leader of the DPRK warned that "the steady, intentional and irresponsible acts of escalating tensions" on the part of the United States and the South Korean regime would only provoke Pyongyang’s stronger reaction

SEOUL, October 10. /TASS/. North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un has no intention of holding talks with the United States or South Korea, describing those countries as enemies, state-run news agency KCNA reported on Monday.

The leader of the DPRK warned that "the steady, intentional and irresponsible acts of escalating tensions" on the part of the United States and the South Korean regime would only provoke Pyongyang’s stronger reaction. North Korea has been watching the situation closely, he added.

"The respected comrade Kim Jong Un said that the enemies have still been talking about dialogue and negotiations while posing military threats to us. He said we have no content for dialogue with the enemies and there is no necessity to do so," KCNA reported. Kim Jong Un said his country should, above all, send a clear signal to the enemies escalating the situation in the region.

According to KCNA, the North Korean leader added that "we would closely watch the instable security situation on the Korean Peninsula and all military moves by the enemies which cannot be overlooked and strongly take all military countermeasures, if necessary." He also said with confidence that the DPRK’s nuclear combat forces would maintain their strongest nuclear response posture, while being well aware of their important duty of "defending the country’s dignity, sovereignty and right to existence."

Earlier on Monday, KCNA reported that Kim Jong Un had overseen seven rounds of tactical nuclear exercises between September 25 and October 9.