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Ukraine attacks 11 districts of Belgorod Region in one day, 9 houses damaged

Vyacheslav Gladkov noted that a kamikaze drone attacked an oil depot in the Starooskol city district

MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces attacked 11 districts of the Belgorod Region over the past 24 hours, damaging nine private houses and four cars, regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel.

"The settlements of Oktyabrsky and Maysky, the villages of Zhuravlevka, Petrovka, Belovskoye, Shchetinovka and Krasny Khutor were attacked in the Belgorod district. During the four shellings, 55 munitions were fired, five kamikaze drones were fired and two explosive devices were dropped. Air defenses shot down two UAVs. A gas pump at a gas station and one car were damaged as a result of the attack," the governor wrote.

He added that a kamikaze drone attacked an oil depot in the Starooskol city district. As a result of the explosion, one of the tanks caught fire. It took firefighters 40 minutes to put the fire out. A second tank was also damaged. Windows were broken in the security building.