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US, UK uses information warfare against Russian youth, says Security Council

The attempts of destructive influence on minors won't stop, because the goal is to weaken Russia, Alexander Grebenkin said

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. The US and the UK are using information warfare against Russia's youth, encouraging them to commit crimes, Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary Alexander Grebenkin said.

"Under the conditions of the hybrid war unleashed by the US, the UK and their henchmen against Russia, a massive information attack is being carried out on our youth," he told Rossiyskaya Gazeta in an interview.

In his opinion, the attempts of destructive influence on minors won't stop, because the goal is to weaken Russia. "It is obvious that the West will continue to implement its strategy aimed at weakening Russia, will make more than one more attempt to attack our country in various ways. They will not hesitate to use minors for military, subversive and terrorist purposes, as well as for psychological operations," Grebenkin said.

However, the official pointed out that the enemies would fail to achieve their goals. "The undermining of the domestic political situation in Russia remains one of the main tasks of the US, which the West wants to solve, among other things, through the escalation of the criminal situation in the youth environment. However, the West's attempts to stimulate rampant crime in our country are doomed to failure," Grebenkin concluded.