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China ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia on Power of Siberia-2 — MFA

Beijing intends "to permanently deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in all directions," China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning emphasized

BEIJING, June 3. /TASS/. China is ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia on the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline project, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning told a briefing.

"The search for mutually beneficial common points, deepened integration of interests, achievement of mutual success is a consensus that has been reached by heads of the two countries. We are ready to cooperate with Russia for implementation of this important consensus," she said when asked whether the project has been put on hold.

Beijing intends "to permanently deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in all directions," the diplomat added.

On June 3, the British newspaper Financial Times stated that the Sino-Russian cooperation on the construction of the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline had become deadlocked due to China’s requirements on prices and volumes of energy supplies.
