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US has no plans to place nukes in South Korea — senior official

"What the United States and the Republic of Korea plan to do at every level, is strengthen our practices, our deployments, our capabilities, to ensure the deterrence message is absolutely a question," the US official said

WASHINGTON, April 26. /TASS/. The United States is not planning to deploy its tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula, a high-ranking US official told a special briefing on Tuesday.

"I’ll be crystal clear: There is no vision of returning US tactical or any other kind of nuclear weapons to the Korean peninsula, as there was in the Cold War," the US official said ahead of a coming meeting between US President Joe Biden and South Korean leader Yoon Suk-yeol.

According to her, "we do envision that the visit of ballistic missile submarines will be followed at a regular cadence by other types of assets <…> that you frequently see when we signal on the Korean peninsula, including bombers, or aircraft carriers."

Commenting on US and South Korean plans, the US official said, "What the United States and the Republic of Korea plan to do at every level, is strengthen our practices, our deployments, our capabilities, to ensure the deterrence message is absolutely a question."

"But again, no vision for any regular stationing or basing of those assets and certainly not nuclear weapons," she insisted.