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US ready to work with president-elect of Colombia - Secretary of State

The top diplomat congratulated the people of Colombia with free and fair elections

WASHINGTON, June 20. /TASS/. Washington is ready for cooperation with President-elect of Colombia Gustavo Petro, US Secretary of State said in his statement Sunday.

The top diplomat congratulated the people of Colombia with "free and fair" elections."

"We look forward to working with President-Elect Petro to further strengthen the U.S.-Colombia relationship and move our nations toward a better future," Blinken said.

Petro, who previously was a member of the radical left-wing M-19 organization, which carried an armed fight against the government, will become the first left-wing President of Colombia. After count of 99.99% of ballots, he gained 50.44% of votes. His rival Rodolfo Hernandez received 47.31% of votes. Hernandez has already acknowledged his defeat.