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Russian football authorities suggest $31,000 highest monthly wage for footballers

According to a draft of new financial regulations posted on the RFU website on Monday, an RFPL player of age over 23 should not be paid more than 2 million rubles ($31,170) per month

MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The Russian Football Premier League (RFPL) may be forced to introduce a highest monthly wage limit for footballers playing in the Russian clubs, according to a statement from the Russian Football Union (RFU).

A draft of new financial regulations posted on the RFU website on Monday, stipulates in particular that an RFPL player of age over 23 should not be paid more than 2 million rubles ($31,170) per month.

According to the draft, the maximum monthly wage for a footballer under the age of 21 should not exceed the figure of 150,000 rubles (almost $2,380), while the player’s total income, including club’s bonuses, over a single fiscal year should not exceed 10 million rubles ($158,170).

A monthly wage for a footballer of age between 21 and 23 should stay below the maximum sum of 300,000 rubles ($4,745), according to the draft document, and his overall income over a single fiscal year should not surpass the figure of 15 million rubles ($237,255).

However, an exception to the mooted limits in footballers’ salaries has been also stipulated in the draft. Each RFPL club could be permitted to recruit no more than one player below the age of 21, one player of the age between 21 and 23 as well as another one over 23 years, whose salaries would be allowed to be higher of the proposed boundaries.