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Russia’s agency for natural resources opens office north of Polar Circle

The agency will also establish its permanent laboratory in the city
Norilsk, north of the Arctic Circle Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS
Norilsk, north of the Arctic Circle
© Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

NORILSK, December 4. /TASS/. In early 2020, Russia’s regulatory agency for natural resources, Rosprirodnadzor, will open an office in Norilsk (the Krasnoyarsk Region’s north) — a city, where the Clean Air federal national program’s Ecology project is underway, the authority’s head Svetlana Radionova told reporters on Tuesday.

"The Clean Air project is underway, and in the cities, participating in the project, we open Rosprirodnadzor’s offices, and such an office will appear here. <…> As soon as we employ the staff, we shall begin working — I believe, in about two months," Radionova said.

The agency will also establish its permanent laboratory in the city. "I hope, by summer it will be ready," she added.

Under the Clean Air project, emissions in Norilsk will be cut by 75% by 2024. The Norilsk Nickel Company (Nornickel) will invest more than 123 billion rubles ($1.92 billion) until 2023 in cutting emissions of its enterprises in Norilsk under the company’s Northern Project.

The Ecology National Project’s budget investments will make 40.41 trillion rubles ($630 billion).