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Issue of Russian grain’s processing in Turkey at consideration stage — source

Several Turkish agencies are discussing the issue, with "no information for detailed commentaries in place so far," the source said, adding though that it is not ruled out that there will be some development within "a couple of weeks"

ANKARA, September 14. /TASS/. Turkey is currently assessing and discussing the project on processing of 1 mln tons of Russian grain, though the issue is at the initial stage of consideration so far, a source in Turkey’s governmental circles told TASS.

"No details on how, when and where the grain will be delivered or where it will be processed have been provided by now. Those agreements are being discussed at the level of agencies, with contacts underway between the sides. However, this issue is rather crude so far, being at its initial stage," he said.

Several Turkish agencies are discussing the issue, with "no information for detailed commentaries in place so far," the source said, adding though that it is not ruled out that there will be some development within "a couple of weeks."

On August 31, the foreign ministers of Russia and Turkey, Sergey Lavrov and Hakan Fidan, met in Moscow to discuss the grain deal and the parameters for implementing the initiative to organize the supply of 1 mln tons of Russian grain to Turkey at a preferential price with financial support from Qatar. The presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, met in Sochi on September 4 to discuss the issue.

The parties agreed that the project does not replace the grain deal that expired on July 18, with its purpose to prevent critical food shortages in developing countries. Turkey supported the initiative, saying that it was ready to implement it.
