MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. The number of countries independent of the United States’ position will grow in the near future due to global current events, and despite Washington’s opposite expectations, Federation Council Deputy Speaker Konstantin Kosachev said on Thursday.
"The Americans tolerate only one sovereignty in the world - their own. They prop it up. And the dynamics of modern international relations are determined solely by the ratio of countries that have knuckled under to this position, and the rest," the senator wrote on his Telegram channel.
"What is happening now, according to the calculations of the Americans, should significantly increase the number of capitulators. I am confident that precisely the opposite will happen. The world with only one sovereign power that has made extrajudicial reprisals against the noncompliant their main foreign policy instrument looks too abominable in reality," he added
Earlier, at a meeting of NATO-member top diplomats in Brussels, opinions diverged on further steps regarding Russia over the Ukrainian crisis, Kosachev noted. In particular, the Baltic States and Poland insist on a complete severance of relations with Russia, while France, Germany and Turkey consider it necessary to maintain contacts with the Russian government regardless of the current situation. "And now we shall put together these differences on the nature of the relations of these countries with the sole NATO leader - the United States. Poland and the Baltic States are absolute satellites, loyalty to the US is the number one publicly declared foreign policy priority. France, Germany and Turkey allow themselves to take liberties, for which they are reprimanded by America (Germany for "Nord Stream", France for nuclear submarines and Turkey for the S-400s)," Kosachev said.
According to him, now we have "a simple formula", when yielding one’s own sovereignty "in favor of the United States equals excellent relations with the US and lenience from any sins", but "maintaining or even manifesting sovereignty is equal to complicating relations with the US even going as far as punitive sanctions".
"Russia and China are absolutely sovereign. Therefore, all the upheavals in international relations, consistently provoked by the equally sovereign United States in alliance with numerous non-sovereign fellows, originate from the above formula," the politician concluded.