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Oliver Stone accuses Western media of distorting Putin’s image

Stone emphasized that Russia and China, which are now considered to be the main enemies of the US, a few years ago used to be its allies and potential friends but "we blew the opportunity"

NEW YORK, July 31. /TASS/. US film director Oliver Stone has accused Western media outlets of distorting the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He is not the monster that has been pictured by the American propaganda machine," he said during an episode of the Stay Free podcast with British actor and public activist Russell Brand.

Stone stressed that while filming an interview with the Russian leader, he asked him direct and honest questions without sensing "any belligerence." The film director noted that during the conversation, Putin kept referring to the United States as his "American partners."

Stone emphasized that Russia and China, which are now considered to be the main enemies of the US, a few years ago used to be its allies and potential friends but "we blew the opportunity."

Oliver Stone is a film director, screenwriter and producer who won three Oscars, one BAFTA award and five Golden Globes. In September 2016, he completed a documentary about the Russian president entitled The Putin Interviews based on more than a dozen interviews with the Russian head of state over the course of two years. The documentary premiered in Russia and worldwide on June 12, 2017.