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Putin's visit to Vietnam to strengthen Hanoi-Moscow ties in all areas — ambassador

Dang Minh Khoi said that during the visit, the leaders will set long-term goals and concrete action plans to ensure sustainable and effective development of bilateral relations between the countries in the future

HANOI, June 18. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Hanoi on June 19-20 will be a milestone in relations between Vietnam and Russia, ushering in a new era of comprehensive partnership, the country’s Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi told the Vietnam News Agency.

According to the diplomat, the Russian president’s state visit will "strengthen Hanoi-Moscow cooperation in key areas" and be "an opportunity for the leaders of the two countries to discuss and propose concrete measures to boost bilateral trade and economic cooperation, including the joint implementation of major projects, especially in such areas as energy, industry and agriculture."

The ambassador said that during the visit, the leaders will set long-term goals and concrete action plans to ensure sustainable and effective development of bilateral relations between the countries in the future. The leaders' upcoming contacts will also provide an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to working together on international and regional issues.

"Close coordination [of the two countries] within the framework of multilateral forums and international organizations will contribute to peace, stability and development of the region and the whole world," Dang Minh Khoi pointed out.

He emphasized that the Russian president’s visit will give a new impetus to cultural exchanges and humanitarian diplomacy. The countries will actively develop cooperation programs in culture, education and tourism, contributing to strengthening mutual understanding and unity between the two peoples, the ambassador underscored.