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26 Sep 2011, 12:23

Rosaviatsiya revokes licenses of 3 airlines

Rosaviatsiya suspended licenses of Beriev TANTK because of the lack of repaired aircraft, the Avis-Amur airline due to the crash of the AN-12 plane

MOSCOW, September 26 (Itar-Tass) — The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) has revoked the licenses of three airlines. It suspended the licenses of another three, including the Beriev Aircraft Company (Taganrog Aviation Science and Technical Complex - Beriev TANTK), the agency said in a release.

“The Air Operator Certificate of the Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School is revoked based on a written application by the operator, Ilin Airtlines’ certificate was revoked based on the Act and a written statement by the operator, and the Yak Service airline’s license was revoked on the fact of the Yak-42 plane crash near Yaroslavl,” the agency said.

In addition, Rosaviatsiya suspended licenses of Beriev TANTK because of the lack of repaired aircraft, the Avis-Amur airline due to the crash of the AN-12 plane, and Jetalliance East company’s license.

The Federal Air Transport Agency is a federal body of executive authority responsible for rendering state services, managing state property and implementing legal regulation in the air transport sphere and the civilian sector of the Joint Air Traffic Control System, according to the RF government’s website.

The Federal Air Transport Agency has the following functions: to facilitate the implementation of federal target programmes and the federal selective investment programme; to render socially important state services to an unspecified number of individuals in line with federal legislation, including: facilitating the operation, development and modernisation of the civilian sector of the Joint Air Traffic Control System in line with the established procedure; implementing a range of measures to facilitate international and domestic flights; to issue individual legislative acts on the basis of and in execution of the Russian Federation's Constitution, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees, and executive orders of the Russian Federation's President, Government, and Transport Ministry.