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Russia to redeploy over 300 weapon systems to Moscow for Victory Day Parade

The military hardware will include Bumerang armored personnel carriers, Taifun armored vehicles, BMP-2 and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launches, S-400 air defense systems, Iskander tactical missile complexes
S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile launcher Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS
S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile launcher
© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. More than 30 military traffic police crews will provide security for the redeployment of over 300 weapon systems to the Russian capital for the Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square on May 9, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on Friday.

"Overnight to April 24, more than 30 military traffic police crews will provide traffic security in the redeployment of the parade’s mechanized column from Alabino in the Moscow Region to a temporary auto pool in Nizhniye Mnevniki in Moscow’s North-Western District," the ministry said in a statement.

As the ministry specified, "over 300 items of tracked and wheeled military and auxiliary hardware carrying required equipment will be redeployed" to Moscow.

The military traffic police will provide security together with the Moscow traffic police, the ministry said.

The mechanized column will start moving at 22:00 Moscow time on April 23. The military hardware will include Bumerang armored personnel carriers, Taifun armored vehicles, BMP-2 and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launches, S-400 air defense systems, Iskander tactical missile complexes and other material, it specified.

This year, Russia’s Victory Parade on Moscow’s Red Square to mark the 76th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War will involve over 12,000 troops, about 190 combat vehicles and 76 aircraft: 53 planes and 23 helicopters.