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Russian Interior Ministry says Skripal case not to harm its relations with UK counterpart

The interaction with Britain’s law enforcement agencies was at a very low level in the past, according to the deputy interior minister

MOSCOW, March 20. /TASS/. The situation following the poisoning in Britain of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, convicted in Russia of spying for Britain, will cause no influence on the Russian Interior Ministry’s relations with its British counterpart, Deputy Interior Minister Igor Zubov said in the State Duma on Tuesday.

"Our interaction with Britain’s law enforcement agencies was at a very low level in the past. It was carried out through official international organizations, such as Interpol. For this reason we have no particular claims against them or expectations in this connection. Nothing will change for us at all," Zubov told the media.

"If the British authorities have any queries to be addressed to the Russian Interior Ministry or some requests under international rules, the ministry will act in accordance with its obligations. There will be no restrictions or biased attitude."