Orban sees Europe 'playing with fire' as it gets dragged in Ukraine conflict

World May 03, 10:35

"I am not saying that European leaders are marching toward a war but, every day, they are taking more steps in that direction," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned

BUDAPEST, May 3. /TASS/. European leaders are playing with fire as they become more entangled in the Ukraine conflict, sparking concerns of igniting another world war, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a morning talk show on Kossuth Radio.

"Europe is playing with fire," the Hungarian premier said. "I am not saying that European leaders are marching toward a war but, every day, they are taking more steps in that direction," Orban warned. According to him, this is happening despite "the majority of people favoring peace."

"We did not want to take part in either World War I or World War II. And we will not allow the Hungarians to be drawn into a third world war," Orban emphasized.

The Hungarian head of government slammed what he called dangerous talk among EU leaders and some European governments about sending Western troops to Ukraine. This, he said, may show their "real intention." "We are balancing on the brink of war and peace," Orban said.

In addition, he continued, the conflict in Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions have affected the European economy. "I think that is very dangerous and I am concerned about Europe’s future," he acknowledged.

When asked about the 25th anniversary of NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Orban recalled that his country joined the alliance in 1999 and that it had to open its airfields to allied warplanes. However, Orban, who was in his first government stint back then, secured guarantees that Hungary would stay away from the Balkan conflict. This, he underscored, helped Budapest avoid "going to war with Serbia or damaging bilateral relations for years to come.".

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