Zelensky meets with US senators in Kiev

World August 23, 2023, 23:55

According to Zelensky, he met with senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed that he met with American senators in Kiev and informed them about the progress of the hostilities.

According to Zelensky, he met with senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

"An important meeting. […] We discussed the situation on the frontline and the priority of further strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities," Zelensky said on his Telegram channel, noting the importance of the bipartisan support to Kiev.

Prior to the meeting, Zelensky said at a press conference that upcoming 2024 US Presidential elections will affect Washington’s support to Kiev.

"This can affect both positively or negatively. On our side, we will do everything it takes for the US support not to get weaker," he said on Ukrainian TV.

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