Apple claims it has not requested blocking of Telegram channels on Belarus

World October 09, 2020, 18:55

Telegram founder Pavel Durov wrote in his official channel on Thursday that the company requested blocking three Telegram channels on Belarus

MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. Apple has not requested Telegram to block channels with data of Belarusian law enforcement officers; this referred to removal of information containing personal details, Apple told TASS in a comment on Friday.

Apple requested blocking three Telegram channels on Belarus, Telegram founder Pavel Durov wrote in his official channel on Thursday. Apple’s concern was that publication of the personal information of law enforcement officials may incite violence, Durov said. The channels will end up getting blocked on iOS, but remain available on other platforms, he added.

Apple says it has received requests from users earlier, informing that their personal details, including names and phone numbers, were posted in a number of Telegram channels. Apple has not requested Telegram to block any channels, the company says. Instead, Apple communicated with the messenger to inform it about requests received and ask to delete information disclosing personal data and related content in line with App Store rules.

The Telegram team did not raise any objections when discussing this issue and promised to take action for checking such information, Apple says. The company requires from all apps to comply with platform rules in respect of the user content, Apple added.

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