Anglo-Saxon actions in Middle East directly threaten peace, security — Russian envoy to UN

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 06, 0:34

Vasily Nebenzya said that US "undermine the world order resting on supremacy of universal international law and the central role of the United Nations"

UNITED NATIONS, February 6. /TASS/. Actions of Anglo-Saxons pose a direct threat to global peace and security, Russia’s envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said at the UN Security Council’s meeting called by Russia in view of US strikes against Iraq and Syria.

"Large-scale strikes of the US Air Force, resulting in deaths of civilians and military staff, ruining and damaging of dozens of installations, again demonstrated the aggressive essence of the United States’ policy in the Middle East and the complete neglect of norms of international law by Washington. Participation of the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force in attacks of the United States should not create an illusion of a certain international coalition for anyone," the Russian diplomat said.

"Actions of Anglo-Saxons pose a direct threat to international peace and security and undermine the world order resting on supremacy of universal international law and the central role of the United Nations," the Russian diplomat said.

The United States purposefully seeks after drawing the largest countries of the Middle East into a conflict, Nebenzya also said at the UN Security Council’s meeting called by Russia in view of US strikes against Iraq and Syria.

"Attacking recently almost without pause installations alleged to be of pro-Iranian groups in Iraq and Syria, the United States is attempting to purposefully draw the largest countries of the Middle East into a region-wide conflict," Nebenzya said.

"It is obvious that US air strikes are specifically intended to further heat up the conflict," Nebenzya said.

Russia is eyeing US air strikes against Syria and Iraq as an attempt of the US administration to improve its image, he added.

"We primary see in these attempts to flex muscles the aspiration to influence the internal political landscape in America, the desire to somehow mend the failed image of the incumbent US administration at the international stage in the light of pre-election presidential campaign gaining momentum," diplomat said.

“The largest air operation of the US in the region since 2003 <…> cannot be justified,” Nebenzya continued. “Washington, believing in its impunity, continues carrying destruction and havoc in the Middle East,” he added.

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