Russia considers TAPI pipeline idea interesting — special envoy

Business & Economy January 31, 2022, 20:21

Everything will depend on the commercial side of the issue, Zamir Kabulov pointed out

MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. Moscow views the idea of Russia’s participation in the TAPI (Turkmenistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India) gas pipeline project as "politically attractive," special envoy of the Russian President Zamir Kabulov told TASS in an interview.

"Such perspective appears politically attractive. The matters of supporting security for this project earlier considered to be the most challenging have lost their acuteness at this stage," the Russian diplomat said.

Russian economic entities will nevertheless have the last word on participation in the gas pipeline project, Kabulov noted. "Everything will depend on the commercial side of the issue, on profitability of their participation in implementation of this project," the special envoy added.

Construction of TAPI kicked off in December 2015 in Turkmenistan. The pipeline will have the length of 1,814 km and the capacity of 30 bln cubic meters of natural gas per year.

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