Over 40% of Russians would like to open their own business in retirement, study shows

Business & Economy October 01, 2020, 10:23

The study indicated that a quarter of Russians would like to open a mini-hotel in retirement

MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. More than 40% of Russians would like to open their own business after retirement, according to a study by SberNPF and Rambler.

"Around half of the respondents (41%) want to start their own business in retirement. At the same time, half of the respondents (50%), answering the question ‘Why open a business after retirement?" indicated that they would like to receive a decent income, a quarter of the respondents (23%) want to occupy themselves as long as they have the strength and time, and every 14% is going to leave the family business to their children. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of respondents (88%) are not entrepreneurs at the moment," the study noted.

The study indicated that a quarter of Russians would like to open a mini-hotel in retirement, every fifth (18%) is going to open an online store, 15% of respondents dream of a cafe, restaurant or bar. Russians are also interested in repair shops (11% of respondents would like to open one), car services (9%), delivery services (6%), beauty salons and fitness clubs (4% each).

The majority of Russians (40%) noted that they do not yet own the start-up capital to open their own business, but every fifth respondent is actively forming it.

The survey was conducted in September 2020 among over 2,100 people of working age from all over Russia.

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