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Berlin hopes Trump will not sign current edition of bill on anti-Russian sanctions

The Europeans are worried over the United States’ plans to use these measures to impose restrictions on cooperation with Russian companies

BERLIN, July 31. /TASS/. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Monday he hopes US President Donald Trump will finally opt not to sign the bill on further anti-Russian sanctions in its current edition.

"We are glad that the American president has not yet made up his mind what to do with that. He has a possibility to discuss these sanctions with us, to take into account European interests," DPA quoted him as saying during a visit in Belgium.

"I am in a very close contact with my US counterpart," he said, adding that the Europeans hope the US would not act to the prejudice of Europe’s interests.

He described the new round of the anti-Russian sanctions as "illegal" and they are meant "to squeeze Russian gas out of the European market to give room to American gas." "We think it to be an absolutely improper approach," the German top diplomat stressed.

Last the week, the US Senate adopted by an overwhelming majority of 98 against 2 votes a bill toughening the US’ unilateral sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. Previously, the bill won the majority of votes ($19 against 3) in the House of Representatives. Now, Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act has been referred to President Donald Trump.

The Europeans are worried over the United States’ plans to use these measures to impose restrictions on cooperation with Russian companies under gas pipeline construction projects, pushing Europe to buying US energy resources instead.