Spasskaya Tower brass band music festival opens in Moscow
Its main theme this year is the officers’ dancing party

MOSCOW, August 24. /TASS/. The Spasskaya Tower 11th International Brass Band Music Festival opened in a gala ceremony on Red Square in Moscow on Friday.
Its main theme this year is the officers’ dancing party.
The ceremony opened with the polonaise from Swan Lake and the march form The Nutcracker that were followed by an instrumental version of Kalinka signature Russian folk song and other pieces. The spectators had an opportunity to enjoy the presentation by dancing pairs that accompanied the instrumentals.
Seniors citizens made up some of the pairs and some of the dancers performed on segways.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who addressed the audience at the opening ceremony said the Spasskaya Tower band music fiesta was a remarkably beautiful annual event.
"This is a great treat to Moscow on the eve of City Day, a great treat for the Muscovites, for millions of spectators in this country and around the world," he said.
Sobyanin said the presentations would reach out to places far beyond Red Square in the coming days.
"They will be performing on squares, in parks and even at railway stations," he said. "Many thanks to all the organizers of and participants in this grand event."
In the days through September 2, Muscovites and visitors will have an opportunity to watch presentations by the leading brass bands from the UK, Monaco, the Netherlands, Oman, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Myanmar. They will also see an international Celtic band of bagpipes and drums and an international Irish Dance team.
About two dozens of bands will perform on Red Square. As part of a program of charity concerts, presentations will also take part in city parks and at railway terminals.
For the first time ever, this year’s program includes a two-day show that will be held on September 2.
The French singer Mireille Mathieu will take part in the concerts for the ninth time in succession. She will appear in four concerts - on August 31, September 1, and twice on September 2.
The Spasskaya Tower was held for the first time in the autumn of 2007. The list of genres embraces military, classical, folk and pop music, as well as the marches-past of brass bands, dance shows, performances with weapons, laser shows, and pyrotechnical displays.
Since 2007, more than 150 bands from 50 countries have taken part in these music fiestas.