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Russian Interior Ministry must prevent coming extremist actions — Putin

Putin admitted he was seriously concerned over the recent 15-percent increase in extremist activity
A meeting of the Russian Interior Ministry's Collegium Mikhail Metzel/TASS
A meeting of the Russian Interior Ministry's Collegium
© Mikhail Metzel/TASS

MOSCOW, 4 March. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the country’s Interior Ministry (MVD) on Wednesday to immediately respond to brewing extremist actions that are aimed at undermining the country’s constitutional system.

"It’s important to instantaneously react to any signals about extremist actions that are being prepared, conduct the preventive work, especially among youth," the president said at a meeting of the Interior Ministry collegium.

Putin admitted he was seriously concerned over the recent 15-percent increase in extremist activity. "Extremists are poisoning the society with the violent nationalism, intolerance and aggression," the president said. "We know very well by the example of the neighbouring country — Ukraine — where this may lead."

"Extremist actions are getting more and more sophisticated," the president said. "We also see the attempts to use the so-called ‘colour’ technologies — ranging from organizing illegal street actions to open propaganda of hatred and animosity in the social media. Their goal is obvious — to provoke a civil conflict, undermine the constitutional system of our state and ultimately its sovereignty."

Putin told the Interior Ministry to more actively conduct extremism prevention work among the youth — especially juvenile delinquents and abandoned children.