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Russian diplomat warns US seeks regime change in Syria

Russia is concerned by US plans "to stay behind" in Syria

MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. Russia is concerned by U.S. plans "to stay behind" in Syria, as this proves Washington will not give up the idea of supplanting the government in Damascus, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday.

"The U.S. got into Syria without an invitation from the country’s legitimate government and without any mandate from the UN Security Council that would legitimize its actions there," he said. "The current statements on the intention to stay behind in Syria give rise to apprehensions, as we think Washington hasn’t given up its idea of supplanting the government in Damascus."

"In doing this, it hopes to use the methods that don’t have anything in common with the principles of a political process," Ryabkov added. "The way I see it, this is a manifestation of an imperial policy, which Washington is unable to disavow, unfortunately."