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US statements on Syria inconsistent with reality, give wrong idea — Zakharova

She said that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech at the UN General Assembly session looked like a show and the U.S. argumentation did not reflect the reality

MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech at the UN General Assembly session looked like a show and the U.S. argumentation did not reflect the reality, the spokeswoman for Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 television channel.

"The speech of U.S. delegation written for the Secretary of State was a show for millions of viewers and primarily, for the mass media, for cameras," Zakharova said. "It was not the first time when the U.S. delegation pulled wool on the eyes of the world from that seat at the Security Council."

Washington is reluctant to disclose details of the Russian-U.S. deal on Syria as the United States would prefer not to make public their obligations made to the sides of the agreement.

"Why are the Russian-U.S. agreements not published or made public?" she asked rhetorically. "For a very simple reason: then the entire world will know what commitments the sides have undertaken inking these agreements."

Earlier in the day, at the UN Security Council high-level meeting on the situation in the Middle East during the 71st session of the UN General Assembly Kerry said that information provided by Russia about the September 19 attack on the aid convoy near Aleppo was allegedly contradictory.