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Russian diplomats visit Russian national extradited to US from Latvia

Yury Martyshev is accused of helping run a service that let cyber criminals test-drive malware before attacking victims

WASHINGTON, November 24. /TASS/. Russian diplomats in the US have visited Russian national Yury Matryshev at a prison in the state of Virginia. Martyshev was extradited to the US from Latvia in 2017 on charges of cyber fraud. He told Russian diplomats that the verdict in his case will be announced on 19 April 2019.

"Martyshev thanked the embassy for consular support. We will continue providing necessary assistance to ensure his legal rights are observed," the Russian Embassy in the US said.

"The Russian national does not have any complaints about the conditions in prison or his health. He said he works in the prison on voluntary basis. He regularly communicates with his lawyer and talks to his relatives on the phone or videochat," the embassy said.

Martyshev is accused of helping run a service that let cyber criminals test-drive malware before attacking victims.