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Russia establishes International Export-Import Club

The International Export-Import Club is a communication platform bringing together representatives of Russian and foreign business

MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. The Russian Export Center (REC), TASS News Agency and Delovaya Rossiya Business Association staged a closed presentation of the International Export-Import Club. Formal signing of the memorandum on cooperation took place after the project presentation, TASS reports from the scene.

"The export topic is among key ones at present. It is articulated on all floors. However, we do not want to be limited by its discussion at formal meetings, conferences and forums. We see a platform is needed that would informally unite public organizations, the business, exporters and representatives of government authorities. Our attempt to unite everyone lead to an initiative of creating a club that will start working today," head of REC Pyotr Fradkov said.

The International Export-Import Club is a communication platform bringing together representatives of Russian and foreign business, heads of discipline development institutions, export and import agencies, banks and other participants in international economic activity. The Club deliverable will be higher recognition of Russian brands and products overseas, creation of national and global value adding chains, development of an additional efficient tool for promotion and securing of Russian export on international markets and growth of non-resource export as a consequence.