South Korea looks to Russia’s role in solving North Korea crisis — envoy to Russia

World October 27, 2017, 0:15

"I hope our two countries will continue to consult and exchange views for an even greater constructive role," the ambassador said

MOSCOW, October 26. /TASS/. Seoul looks to Russia’s assistance in the settlement of the crisis around North Korea’s nuclear program, South Korean Ambassador to Russia Park Ro-byug said at the ceremony of receiving an Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy.

"The ROK appreciates Russian government’s support for UN Security Council resolutions and its full implementation. I hope our two countries will continue to consult and exchange views for an even greater constructive role," the ambassador said.

He also noted that "until the North sends a signal for genuine dialogue, the international community must send a unified message to the North". He said "the North has to reaffirm its commitment to denuclearization and take sincere measures in this regard."

The ambassador stressed that South Korea was seeking a stable development of the Far East, which could encourage North Korea for a more active role in regional economy.

"The ROK hopes to promote sustainable economic development in the Far East region through developing mutually beneficial economic cooperation projects, which would encourage North Korea to join the regional cooperation and bring a chance to change current confrontational situation," he said.

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