Only OPCW investigation can bring up truth on Khan Sheykhun chemical attack — Moscow
"The only realistic way to establish truth would be to dispatch a mission to Khan Sheykhun and to the Shayrat airbase," the Russian Foreign ministry said
MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. Only an investigative mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) dispatched to the spot of the events can establish truth regarding the utilization of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Khan Sheykhun, the Rusisan Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.
"The only realistic way to establish truth would be to dispatch a mission to Khan Sheykhun and to the Shayrat airbase where the Sarin utilize in Khan Sheykhun was allegedly stored," the ministry said. "This mission would use all the techniques envisioned by the Chemicals Weapons Convention and substantiated in its mandate."
"Once again, we calls for stopping foul political games around the Syrian chemical dossier and to make the steps this country has been insisting on for the past three weeks, namely, to delegate a group of experts directly to Khan Sheykhun and Shayrat," the press release said. "The group should include representatives of the countries that are not blinded by hatred towards Syria's legitimate government."
The incident in Khan-Sheykhun, a city in Syria's Idlib Governorate where the nerve gas Sarin was supposedly used, occurred on April 4. The Russian Defense Ministry said the Syrian Air Force had delivered a strike at a facility where the militants had been manufacturing poisonous chemical agents but Washignton accused the Syrian government of utilizing chemical weapons, and the U.S. Navy delivered a missile strike at the Syrian airbase in Shayrat, Homs Governorate.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault claimed on Thursday the samples obtained by French spy services testified to the use of Sarin in Khan Sheykhun. He mentioned the unspecified evidence believably pointing to the fact the nerve agent had been made in a Syrian laboratory.
Ayrault apportioned all blame for the presumable chemical attack to President Bashar Assad.