Netherlands to send Russia new request to specify radar data on MH17 crash

World January 30, 2017, 16:21

The radar data were supplied in an unusual format, spokesman for the Dutch National Public Prosecutor’s Office Wim de Bruin said

HAGUE, January 30. /TASS/. The Netherlands will send Russia a new request to specify radar data on the crash of a Malaysian airliner in east Ukraine in 2014, spokesman for the Dutch National Public Prosecutor’s Office Wim de Bruin told TASS on Monday.

"The radar data were supplied in an unusual format. Therefore the Dutch prosecutor will send a supplementary request for legal assistance to RF [the Russian Federation]," the spokesman said.

The Russian defense manufacturer Almaz-Antey announced in September 2016 it had been able to obtain the so-called primary unprocessed radar images of the airspace in the area of the Boeing’s crash on July 17, 2014 from one of its enterprises, LEMZ Research and Production Association.

These data were transferred to the Russian competent bodies for study and on October 26, 2016 they were sent to the Dutch side.

As Russia’s analysis shows, the primary radar data reject the possibility that a surface-to-air missile was fired at the Malaysian Boeing from the area east of the air crash site, including from the settlement of Snezhnoye.

Meanwhile, the Joint Investigation Team comprising representatives of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine claims that the airliner was hit by a missile from a Buk antiaircraft missile system located at the time of the missile launch in the area of the village of Pervomaiskoye south of the Snezhnoye community controlled by the militia at that time.

The Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 passenger airliner on a flight from the Dutch city of Amsterdam to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur crashed in the area of hostilities between local militias and Ukrainian governmental troops in east Ukraine’s Donetsk region in July 2014. All 298 people aboard the airliner died in the air crash.

Most of the air crash’s victims were Dutch nationals.

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