Washington says ready to welcome any Aleppo truce deal

World December 14, 2016, 8:26

The Department of State spokesman comments on media reports about Moscow and Ankara possible ceasefire agreement for Aleppo

WASHINGTON, December 14. /TASS/. Washington is ready to welcome any agreement that would put an end to hostilities in the Syrian city of Aleppo and let its civilians leave violence-hit regions, a Department of State spokesman said on Tuesday night.

When asked to comment on Russian-Turkish agreements about ceasefire in Aleppo, spokesman John Kirby replied that "if it is true and there has been a ceasefire arrangement reached that not only stops the bombing and the violence but allows people to safely leave Aleppo, we would welcome that."

The spokesman added that he cannot confirm any agreement on Aleppo as he had no information about the reported Moscow-Ankara talks on the issue.

"We’re going to judge actions, not words. What we want is peace, not promises. And we’re going to see what happens here in the next hours," Kirby said, adding that he was concerned by media rumors "of people being executed in the streets."

Moscow and Ankara never officially confirmed any ceasefire agreement for Aleppo, but media quoted Russian and Turkish government sources as saying that the situation in the city was discussed by Sergei Lavrov and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu Tuesday.

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